Page 7 - N03 Fiche multilingue Les consignes pré-opératoires
P. 7

What to do if your child is wearing…

            Jewelry                                          Glasses

            • Remove them before coming to the hospital. • Bring them the day of the surgery.

                                                                                        If your child wears
                                                                                        contact lenses, remove
                                                                                        them before you come
                                                                                        and bring his glasses.

            A hearing aid                                    Dental appliance

            • Bring it on the day of the operation.          • Follow the advice given by the anesthetist.
              To remove at the entry in the operating room.

          Fasting       Following the recommendations of French anesthetists

                         The day before the operation

            • Usual dinner.

                         The day of surgery

            • Last meal “solid” food or second age infant formula          > fi nished 6 h before surgery.

            • Last meal breast milk or fi rst age infant formula       > fi nished 4 h before surgery.

            • Drinking a translucent liquid       > allowed up to 1 h before surgery
              (only: non-sparkling water, syrup with water, apple juice or grape juice)

                                    - 6 h                - 4 h        - 1 h                   Surgery

                        2  âge              1  âge
         You will be told what time the last meal (or drink) they can is have depending on the time of the operation.

            Why? Being in a fasted state means not eating for several hours before the operation.
            This timeframe means the child can have their operation in complete safety: if food
            is still in the stomach during an anaesthetic, in case of vomiting it may go into the       !
            lungs, which can be very serious.

            Instructions written by non-profi t organization SPARADRAP, French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care and the Association of French Speaking Pediatric Anesthetists

           L’impression de cette fi che en version française ou traduite est autorisée pour informer les familles, sans aucune modifi cation de tout ou partie des textes, illustrations, crédits et mentions.   2
                                           Tous droits de traduction et d’adaptation réservés pour tous pays.
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